
AQUATIC ART Welcome to the portal of the International Trade Fair for Heating technology, Measurement and Regulation, Air-conditioning and Sanitary and Environment Protection technologies.


The AQUATIC ART Trade Fairs are fundamental professional events where experts in technical equipment of buildings meet and talk - to seek answers and to find solutions to the latest issues and challenges in this important segment.


Most of the leading brands and tens of thousands of visitors arrive to the gates of AQUATIC ART every year. And even though the event is highly specialized trade fair it does not attract the pros only: hundreds of non-professional visitors are coming to get information conserving of electricity, utility savings and energy efficient houses and constructions.


The AQUATIC ART Trade Fairs are always accompanied by on-spot conferences, roundtables, discussions and lectures, hosted by renown, highly respected international experts and researchers.

The trade fair AQUATIC ART Prague is accompanied every year by one of the largest advertising campaigns in the trade fair sector. The targeted communication strategy includes all marketing channels TV, radio, ads in professional magazines and the daily press, internet, and outdoor advertising. All major industry periodicals announce Aquatic art Prague in advance. Prior to the event, intensive communication takes place to get the word out to special newspaper supplements and the editorial departments of news programs on TV and radio.

Aquatic art Praha Prague
Aquatic art Nitra Nitra
Aquatic art Moskva Moscow

Veletrh z pohledu návštěvníků

89 % bylo spokojeno s nabídkou výrobků
91 % rozhoduje či spolurozhoduje o nákupech a investicích
88 % považuje veletrh za nejprestižnější akci v oboru v České republice
97 % se na AQUATIC ART Praha
87 % nemělo problém s navigací na veletrh


Jak nastavit SEO? Přečtěte si článek, který vám pomůže tuto otázku zodpovědět.

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Špatně vytetované obočí může být doslova noční můrou. Je ale docela dobře možné, že o tom víte své, a netřeba vás o takové “nepříjemnosti” nijak Přečtěte si více

Gynekomastie: co to je a jak řešit růst prsů u mužů?

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